Our parking, known us Parking Praza de Abastos, is located at the hotel entrance. It is open 24 hours. It is the perfect place to park your car and go to visit the old City, go shopping to Mercado de Abastos, go dinner with friends…



Garaje hotel mirador Belvis
Garaje hotel mirador Belvis
Garaje hotel mirador Belvis




  • Price: 1,75€/hour, 15€/day.
  • Guests price hotel Miradoiro de Belvís: 9€/day.
  • Guest Price hotel Miradoiro de Belvís out of stay: 9€/day *Maximum 5 days before or after the stay.






  • 24 hours pass: 95€/month 0 pass available.
  • Morning-afternoon pass (from 08:00 to 20:30): 80€/month
  • Afternoon-night pass (from 15:00 to 09:00): 65€/month
  • Night pass (from 20:00 to 09:00): 50€/month
  • Afternoon pass (from 15:00 to 20:00): 50€/month
  • Morning pass (from 07:00 to 15:00): 65€/month
  • Motorcycle pass: 40€/month






  • Previous subscriptions do not imply a reservation of a place.
  • Subscribers can only access the car park when the parking access mechanization is listed as free.
  • Subscriptions are paid monthly in advance, the first five days of each month. If on the last day of the current month the monthly payment has still not been paid and you have not contacted us, your subscription will be automatically cancelled.
  • Type 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 passes are valid exclusively within their schedule; outside of it you will have to pay the current rates at the cashier.
  • Subscribers must be responsible for any damage caused to the facilities or other vehicles due to collision or any other cause.
  • For more information, consult the hotel reception or call 981.554.340.